
Our Crocos are an excellent way for our users to show different emotions when interacting with other users on the community. The Crocos are unique to our German platform mydealz, while all other communities use the Flamies.

Our flamies are a great way for our users to show different emotions whenin teracting in our communities.The Pepper flamies are consistent with the rest our branding due to their flame-shaped-head.They’re used on all of our local community websites, with the exception of mydealz. The maximum size in which our flamies can be displayed is 60px, if bigger uses are required - e.g. for marketing materials - the high resolution version should be used.

Our flamies are a great way for our users to show different emotions whenin teracting in our communities.The Pepper flamies are consistent with the rest our branding due to their flame-shaped-head.They’re used on all of our local community websites, with the exception of mydealz. The maximum size in which our flamies can be displayed is 60px, if bigger uses are required - e.g. for marketing materials - the high resolution version should be used.

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