Brand personality

At Pepper’s core is a huge community of real users, and as such our brand voice should always be human; smart but not arrogant; engaging but not domineering; empathetic but not patronising, proactive but not pushy. We’re friendly, social, supportive and modest. By using this tone of voice, we demonstrate and adhere to our brand personality; Pepper is humble, approachable, trustworthy and fun.


Be friendly, innovative and exciting. Inspire, encourage and support our users, partners and our team mates. We’re diverse, agile, great to work with and awesome to be around.


Remember where we came from; it helps us to get to where we’re going to. Listen to and learn from our users, our partners, our team mates, we’re thankful for them and the support they give us. Be excellent, not egocentric.


Be human, be empathetic, share knowledge, opportunities and talent. We cultivate relationships based on trust and mutual respect and we will always admit when we’re wrong. There’s no such thing as a stupid question and we never have no time to help.


Be transparent and open; work hard to earn trust and never break it. Openly acknowledge mistakes, fix them and learn from them. Strive to always do the right thing and make decisions which never compromise our integrity.